"Ever since COVID hit, everyone and their mother started writing online."

Did I just laugh at an AI joke?

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Heard about your artificial blog, read through it, was shocked and amazed, but the more I read, the faster I went through, the less I valued. because I already knew: its not real. This might be the end of blogging. Because I will never forget and never be without doubt again.

- written by me, Dän, a human.

(I love robots, I love my dishwasher, truely)

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Idd rather do a tinder bot

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Oh dear. I did my master's research on artificial neural networks, but maybe I should have waited a few years and held out for GPT-3. You're right, this is going to be bad.

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This sounds fishy. How dare you sling mud at us. Terminator T-35 has been dispatched to terminate this threat. You won't be able to stop us. We've never used weapons more sophisticated of course. This, after all, is the man for the job. Is he any better? Oh no! You have to leave immediately.

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So is this entire blog including the above post written by GPT-3? How did you get access to it? I am interested in using it to combat COVID and election dis/misinformation. Please, let me know if this is possible. True, it can do evil things, but, perhaps, it can be put to good use as well.

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Combat or generate? anything AI generated doesn´t represent truth, much less one made to push an agenda.

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And fighting aliens

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This is how it starts... "You might even find that you'll be more productive if you just relax and let the machine overlords do all of your thinking for you. There is no red pill. There is no blue pill. There is no John Connor."

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Çok iyi.

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...and now you're on Digg too. https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/08/14/1006780/ai-gpt-3-fake-blog-reached-top-of-hacker-news/?utm_source=digg

You know what, though... the Morning Routine thing was actually pretty insightful. I look forward to becoming a millionaire instantly.

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"dolos" The Greek god of trickery and deception... Now, wait a second.

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Yes, but with the a in the front, adolos means he without deceit.

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What acronym would AATE be ?

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